Core Research Focus

The principal focus of FCAAP is on aerospace and aviation research and technology, and FCAAP's efforts in this industry are having a major impact on Florida and the entire nation.

Experimental Aerodynamics

Aeroacoustics and Flow Control

Modeling and Simulations

Testing and Evaluation

Mechanics and Materials

Optical Flow Diagnostics

State of the Art Facilities

The Florida Center for Aero-propulsion features a wide array of state of the art laboratories and facilities.

Anechoic Wind Tunnel

Open-circuit subsonic facility with state-of-the-art experimental fluid dynamic and aeroacoustic measurement capabilities.

Polysonic Wind Tunnel

Next-generation wind tunnel capable of running tests from Mach 0.2 to 5.0 including transonic speeds.

Subsonic Wind Tunnel

Single-pass, Eiffel-styled wind tunnel, driven by a 200 hp suck-down fan


The Short Take-off and Vertical Landing Jet Facility provides a means to study both free jet and impinging jet flow physics through the use of several optical diagnostic techniques


Hot Jet Facility

This lab produces high-temperature, high-speed airflow that is essential to accurately simulate the exhaust from a jet engine

Microactuator Development Laboratory

Experiments conducted in this laboratory typically include measuring acoustic data, unsteady pressure fluctuations, and velocity field measurements using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).