William Oates

Title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Office Location: AME 215
Office Phone: 850.645.0139


Prof. Oates received his M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in the Department of Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He spent two years as a post doctorate research associate at the Center for Research in Scientific Computation in the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. His current research interests include constitutive modeling of active materials as well as nonlinear control of adaptive structures. He has conducted research in a wide range of topics in theoretical, computational, and experimental solid mechanics of ferroelectric and magnetostrictive materials. This includes: fracture characterization of ferroelectric ceramics and relaxor single crystals, anisotropic elasticity, phase field modeling of ferroelectric thin films, stochastic homogenization techniques, and nonlinear control of ferroic materials and actuators. He was the recipient of two best paper awards for his contribution to piezoelectric fracture mechanics (2003) and is a professional engineer in the state of North Carolina.